>>> It comes naturally?🤣
More often than not...because I'm a creep...I'm a weirdooooooo
>>> I have my electric blanket on
How is it cold where you are?
>>> I believe you
That's a song btw...
>>> Not so much for the cold...it's for the sc...
That makes sense...I forgot sorry
>>> Been raining nonstop for 2 days here
Yeah I heard so...well I'm back tomorrow so that should be fun to come home to...flying in that weather is horse shit
Haha tea would be great. But I'm having water right now
Hey Nina! Welcome to the lonely hearts club
>>> What do you do btw
I'm in finance, business analytics and the like. You?
Deutschland! Deutschland!😬 I played padel with someone from Germany this evening
Brown Sugar and I are from South Africa
>>> My work colleague was recently in Zanzibar
Not really nearby but I understand
Foxy advertises this group alot
>>> It was shown to me in the group overview
That's pretty coolA
What time is it in Germany?
>>> It's -11 degrees outside
Jeepers...😶that's is flippen cold
That's a big difference. Is it just a snow storm?
>>> No. The sun shines during the day and it i...
That's actually beautiful
>>> II come from Northern Germany. Near the No...
Yooooo hooooo...thieves and beggars🤣
>>> I'm going to go to sleep now. I wish you a...
And to you! Lovely chatting to you
>>> Hi everyone! I’m from Argentina 🙈🙉😍
Hey Lory from Argentina
Two thing about Argentinians...they have a great dog breed...and they can party🤣