Do t you think cars cost enough as it is???? Imagine how much they would cost if they flew me first class everyday lol
Stifflers mom is ugly fat and poor just like the rest on here so they hate on rich hot people like me as you saw
She’s so ugly she just came at me lol
I’m flexing cause this is my life hahahahaahahahahahaha
And uglies like you are too pathetic and I pay way to much in taxes for single mother sloots like you
Show the sausage fingers again stifflersmom hahahahaahahah it’s hilarious that’s the best you have to show hahahahahahahaahahahahah
I’m also genetically gifted yes hahahahaahhaahahahaha
Funny thing is this fat ugly old stiffy I hardly flex on this app and I don’t even try in life
I should have been a billionaire years ago
Let’s talk about that ugly fat old lady hahaahahahahah
Stiffy they all saw you come at me
Just cause I’m proud of my life why hate
Oh right cause you’re too fat and ufly hahahahaahahahahahah
Alls you got to show is your fat ugly sausage fingers hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha enough said
This is online bro she’s just a ugly fat loser in life lol it’s all good her loser words don’t change reality
Hahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fattie
My house is paid off old ugly stiffy hahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahaha
She’s so poor hahahahahaahahhaahahaahahahahhaahhaahaha
Hahahahahahahaah she came af me and she’s so mad rn bahahahahaahahahaha
Alls she has to show off is her fat ugly fingers bahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahaha
As I said the biggest losers in life are on anti and stifflersmom proves that hahahahahahahaahahahaahah