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Why do u Do This After Every Few words

Why do u Do This After Every Few words
mans ancient thats why
Because , reading one jumbled body of texts Hurts my brain and eyes
Ur dyslexic
maybe buy a new brain
Your making fun of my undiagnosed autism
sorry i laughed
Ur rude
I’m undiagnosed a lot of things , you didn’t know
U should fully rush her when she’s driving to work
tell me more about yourself
Ive inboxed you You elusive rabbit ypu
i’ll message back
I am weirdo
we know
Really, how did you know i am weird?
u give off that energy
I didn’t knew that lamao
And how do I know you won’t weaponise it in the future And break my heart all over again ?
i’ll never break it again i promise
Aww your making my front bottom warm
oh now i’m not messaging u😭😭😭😭😭
I was only joking You seem to fish it but can’t take some humour back What gives ?
She’s a bit sped u have to be slow and steady
i hate u so much
i’m scared 😔
Not as scared as I am of you breaking my heart You already went back on your promise
because you scared me 😔😔😔maybe we should start again
Hi elusive rabbit I’m pink pony
call me celia
Oh wow you have a name
She’s allways been mysterious to me
She’s allways been mysterious to me
Surprised by a name 😭😭😭😭
Becaus she’s a lady of mystery
A lady of anger too watch out lad
I love crazy women Why do I love crazy women ? Whats wrong with me ?b
i’m not crazy i promise
A healthy dose of crazy is ok Keeps things interesting
i’m not crazy
Ok 😉
What even is this?
What even is this?