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I love all these people making appeals to science but can’t actually make a scientific argument backed with scientific research. If you did actually look at scientific research, you will see it is overwhelmingly in support of trans people and their identities.

I love all these people making appeals to science but can’t actually make a scientific argument backed with scientific research. If you did actually look at scientific research, you will see it is overwhelmingly in support of trans people and their identities.
She said I would have low T with out my balls proving ur belief doesn’t change ur physical nature
She said I would have low T with out my balls proving ur belief doesn’t change ur physical nature
Just bc u think ur trans doesn’t change who u are physically
Just bc u think ur trans doesn’t change who u are physically
I know I was saying cyber said with out my balls I would have low testeostrone proving that point
I know I was saying cyber said with out my balls I would have low testeostrone proving that point
bro can’t take a joke😂
It’s not a joke cyber been arguing for a hour
when did i say otherwise? i was just threatening you tbh
Go get a degree in something jesus
Really? No science? What about the scientific research in embryology that shows that seχuse differentiation of a fetus is independent from the development of the brain, and that these two processes can thereby develop in opposite direction in rare cases? What about the body of research in neurobiology that shows that trans brains are more aligned with their gender identity than their natal seχ? Did I just hallucinate these scientific studies?
Bro 😭
Damn impressive q
LOL so let me get this straight. You make a bs claim, then when I try to explain to you how it’s wrong, now you aren’t reading it? Lmao okay
LOL so let me get this straight. You make a bs claim, then when I try to explain to you how it’s wrong, now you aren’t reading it? Lmao okay
There’s a WHOLE body of nuanced scientific research. It’s a lot to explain, it does a disservice to summarize it in just a couple of sentences so that I can appeal to your fried attention span
There’s a WHOLE body of nuanced scientific research. It’s a lot to explain, it does a disservice to summarize it in just a couple of sentences so that I can appeal to your fried attention span
Barely 5 lines…