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Trimite și primește mesaje anonime

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I was so confused for a second I thought you were talking to yourself 💀 I should sleep lmao

I was so confused for a second I thought you were talking to yourself 💀 I should sleep lmao
lol it’s morning haven’t slept yet?
No I work vampier shift
Night shifter 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Someone has to do it lol
I am the someone who used to love doing it
I’ve been doing it for 16 yrs lol
Oh boy now I am curious to have a look at you
Lmao yes I’m am as pale as a sheet of paper
Dang you need some blood in y’a 😂 jk
lol if only more blood fixed being pale
Right !
Just imagine the cottage industry that would pop up around that omg. Us red heads would be happy has hell in summer time lol
Actually it does in some cases
Don't mention under👀