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why dalton still speaking to me like get out
luke take dis L plz
That’s actually vile luke
I need help
>>> That’s actually vile luke Don’t hate until you try it my g
Dalton fks a plastic fanny Nina
that’s very sad
>>> Dalton fks a plastic fanny Nina Fr? 🥴
what’s up bb
>>> Wtf does 10 day worth of dried up cum even s… If you've ever been in a very lazy man's room, it sorta smells like ass mixed with dead animal I’m good on that thx
did u find the bleach bottle
Yeah fr
buy 1 fot me
that’s unfortunate
diamond me
shut up
Wait isn’t that called a flashlight
>>> Wait isn’t that called a flashlight Dis guy
i have enough for ur cute accessory
but u play 2 much
if she wanted to she would
>>> Dalton fks a plastic fanny Nina And it feels better than using hand. At least it's not the dildo of an animal like a lot of women have these days
well 🤷🏻‍♀️
Indian man in london message me
told u to be nice
>>> Wait isn’t that called a flashlight Dis guy Aye I’m not as sex driven as you buddy
Animals just do it better tho
just wanna buy the zoot and leave the app
leave w me
>>> leave w me Didn't ur mum slap you
Knew I had it
>>> leave w me Don’t fool for it
Anyone married up for a flirty chat … maybe more 🙂 x
why r u still speaking dalton
why r u such a beg
Any lady’s dm me for fun
I need help
>>> Knew I had it And?
Any lady’s dm me for fun