if you can find them from old messages or on the list then you can block. If you cant find them then no you can't
they're addicted to a usb drive
why do men blame women for everything that happens to them
in the past yes a lot but no for this i just saw a discussion about male loneliness and they blamed it all on women
yeah it is interesting.... idk i just find it odd. A lot of people are lonelier than society was years ago and it's probably more to do with how society has modernized and also how much we rely on technology
yeah i agree but they rather blame women for all of it
and becoming more used to instant gratification so relationships fail easier and can move on easier when everybody is basically in your pocket
but if you have nothing to do or gonna have a chill day why not do it in the morning haha
no, it's just pretty common for those who treat women poorly to use the term females so makes it easier to spot crappy people
usually say it very condescending like noted above lol
that sounds spooky but fun
omg ur avi is so cute chihuahua