Don’t give them any attention don’t feed the democracy preaching trolls
I’m showing off my slender gentle butterfinger
A true messiah is like a peac0ck. He shows off his plumage
I’m not interested in you or your people
I’m a new alien immigrant and cried on the first day of kindergarten when I saw other races Including urs for the first time
Yeah that’s why I see your people as insane
Don’t forget to make me double chocolate cookies
Who is that horsey talking to
It better not be me cuz I’m not Indian nor do I see Indians as true Asians
Indians should be called Indians as a scientific racial classification
They aren’t the same as Orientals aka Asians
Which is better Italian or Danish Buddha cookies
Why am I stuck in a world full of attention seekers or peole who aren’t unique or descendants of royals and nobles deluding they are royals?
Hello? When will harvest time come
Who happens to be low borns
Deluding you’re high borns
Ride and shining I am. Greetings commoners