I see. So the problem is never the Muslims?🤣😂
it’s not the religion of peace. It’s the religion of blaming others for their wars.🤣
No. The problem is the enormous hypocrisy.
The “religion of peace” was founded by a warlord.
For all the whining about Western imperialism, the foundation of your religion is imperialism
Sounds like some education is needed.
Basically the first thing your “prophet” did was build an empire by attacking his neighbors and claiming land from them
They know THEIR god is real. Same as every other religion.
Do the math.
It’s obviously a spectrum. I’m gonna guess roughly a quarter are hard-core. 50% aren’t sure and 25% don’t believe it at all.
The problem with your theory is that most religious people just took the religion that their parents gave them. It’s the default.
Most atheists arrived at their conclusion by actually thinking about it
So the reason you’re your religion is because it’s fun?
Whydo you pretend to be religious?
I’m going to go push needles into my fingernails.
That sounds like more fun than talking to someone who doesn’t think money is tangible
And yet you wake up every morning to spend your time to get MORE of this thing that you claim is intangible.
You’re either wrong or crazy.
Pick one.