and we were on and off talking
i hate dating like i just want to be just married to the perfect man
i love you so much it hurst hearing your voice made me happy i wasn't laughing at you i just missed you so much i couldn't hide the joy but i hate that i can't have you forever i would give you the world but there's other planets too there's no way i could never repay you for every sacrifice you made for me just for me to push you away and toss your heart aside like it was trash that's not the outcome i wanted idk what i want or need i just need to learn more about myself and who i am and wha...
why do i want someone who ghosted me
What kinda hair products do I use if I want longer hair?
Also what kinda hair cut do I ask for
Anyone have any recommendations for hair growth
Like I curl it a lit and straighten it
I use leave-in conditioner but I don't reaky understand the oil
Like I got confused with a bunch of the oils
But I heard that oil helps it retain the shape
I air dry 20% after I dry 80% with hairdryer