You said: “Yet both are a form of idolatry”
Response: prove it
You said: “I’ll never forget how I heard Gods voice as I was praying one day”
Response: How did you know it was Gods voice? We are not susceptible to demons talking to us. Mohammed claimed an angel spoke to him. So did Joseph Smith. Were they right?
You said: “Easter derives from Babylonian Godess Ashoreth. That’s why eggs are involved”
Response: “Easter derives from Pascha, or Resurrection Sunday as it’s widely known. The origin of eggs in Easter is actually unknown to scholarsship, so you are arguing from silence. If you do have some hard evidence I’d like to hear it
You said: “they carry vain philosophies and speak those things which are contrary to the perfect WORDS OF GOD”
Response: the Word Of God is not plural. And if what I am saying contradicts the Word Of God, why didn’t you use it to prove that Easter and Christmas is pagan?
You said: “This room is not for the words nor praise of your false god Mohammed nor any other false god”
Response: Read my text again because if you read that and them got from that that 1. I’m a Muslim and 2. I’m praising false gods then you yu obviously didn’t read it correctly
You said: “I am Muslim”
Response: Another baseless claim you cannot prove, you’re on a roll
You said: “I see how you shame others because they don’t say what you think they should and they do not believe the same way you believe”
Response: I don’t shame them, I usually speak to have dialogue and that’s how we come to conclusions, whether I’m right or they are. It’s how you learn, did you forget that passage where Paul said we should test our faith? If you want to spout rhetoric in a public chat room, be prepared to defend it when others come with objections
You said: “This room is not based on Islamic values”
Response: glad we agree, idk why you brought Islam into the topic, secret fangirl of big mo?
You said: “what I believe and speak of concerning Jesus Christ and the WORDS OF GOD will not change”
Response: if what you believe doesn’t change, you’re assuming what you fully know already is correct. I don’t even think all I know is correct. How did you come to that conclusion?
You said: “your opinion is just that, your opinion”
Response: if you truly believed that you would have easily debunked it with scripture the first time round, you didn’t.
You said: “You don’t know God”
Response: … another baseless claim. But feel free to prove it
You said: Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?" Therefore, you should take your very own advice.
Response: That is why I am open to responses, meanwhile you just want people to share their opinion and that’s it, cute
You said: “Finally, if you are not here to learn about Jesus Christ, I have nothing more to say you.”
Response: Are you qualified to be teaching? Who taught you?
You said: “Just as you criticise me”
Response!p: I don’t remember personally attacking you, maybe you felt that me responding to your responses was an attack but that sounds more like a personal problem
You said: “They opposed Paul (just as you are doing me)”
Response: … don’t be so arrogant to think you are on the level of Paul 🤣
We spoke before and you believe in sola scriptura, Paul never taught that
You can’t respond, figured
But going back on topic, why do you believe in something Paul never taught?