I'm abstinence and celibate drier than the desert
Last month I found out that stitches don't hurt that bad. It's the numbing shot before it. I have a couple stitches in my nose right now it's painless
I can't believe I'm tuning 23! I look 12.
I'm about to leave this app again too many pervs DM me
Coming here is a sausage party. I'm leaving
>>> My confession is I have a thing for mental...
As a mentally unstable woman WTF
I need someone to eliminate me quick and painlessly
I hate kids, never want marriage, don't have any friends. I feel like an Evil woman.
Sometimes I really hatethat I exist. I hate my life in general. It feels like Im cursed.
Why the hell I got zero karma. I had my account for 2 years.
Im k wording myself soon. My life sucks. I'm just a black broke skinny depressed single friendless virgin girl at 23
Im too sheltered literally only my family knows I exist
I get so lonely sometimes Iwrite messages to myself
I think girls hate me. I'm glad I'm not a lesbian.
>>> Are you Bi ?
No I'm straight
I don't want a birthday. I wish I was never born.