Does any guy want to do a long term romantic rp?
Any guy want to do a long term romantic rp?
Any guys want to do a long term detailed and romantic rp? let me know and send me roles!
any guys want to do a long term romantic rp?? to build a story please hmu
Anyone want to do a long term, detailed, and romantic rp?
Any guys want to do a long term, romantic and detailed rp? Text me ideas and if you’ve texted me before text again because sometimes i don’t get them!
any guys want to do a long term detailed and romantic rp?
my exes best friend
rival gangs
my older brothers best friend
your younger sisters bsf
step siblings
(I want all of these to be romantic and detailed so if that’s not you please don’t message me🫶 and send your ideas if you have some as well, i’m open)
any guys want to do a romantic and detailed rp? text me a list if you have one, if you don’t i can send a list. Please only message me if you want a romantic and detailed with drama rp. I like high school age based rps also
send me roleplay ideas, whatever you want. but don’t try and start a convo just send ideas
Guys text me for long term romantic roleplay! No age play!! Text me ideas!
boys long term romantic rp? I like drama and to build a story
Any guys want to do a long term and detailed romantic roleplay? Text me some roles if you’re interested