am i racist for not wanting black roommates
my black roommate is moving out and i dont want any more of her in my unit
more like she got evicted
yes so at least you'll know there's a reason i feel this way
She and her friends are all inconsiderate. Disturbing peace at nights, currently playing loud music in the kitchen despite communication
She also broke into one of the rooms in our unit so she can let her friend stay there. i called the management that's why she's getting evicted
Also, she got noise complaints from the neighbors and other roommates
i want a rich man but not that rich that makes him arrogant
i want a humble kind down to earth rich man
my face cant do that tho so thats a problem. a nose job will fix that
i can be a good mom and wife
i dont have that boobs either maybe i should find someone my league then
these men are not my type at all. if they are a little richer i can ignore all those red flags and toxicity
i used to be so into shy nerdy guys but they just dont do it for me anymore
i need a man who is a little bit of an azzhole
but not the cheating kind ykwim
i need a man just like me
well there're different types of a hole