Yea Houston traffic is baddd
Danggg sorry to hear that
I hope the tools weren’t super expensive 😅
Well think of Houston like that just not of all Texas loll
Where I’m at people don’t do that at least not so blatantly I think😭😂
That was quite the discussion you all were having😅😂 hope yall are having a great day so far!
Heyy🤗 how’s everyone’s day going so far?
It’s been good, just a bit bored🙃
What are you guys up too?
Mmm not sure? How’s life been going for you? Anything interesting happen lately?
Boring?! How so? I doubt it would be boring for sure we all have routines we go by but nothing at all?
And that’s great to hear! And life’s been going ok for me, kind of a rough start to a year but I’ll be good!
Ahh understood! That makes sense I can definitely relate
For sure! And I guess your usual plans of personal growth, so hopefully I don’t abandon the plans and stick with them😅😂
Thank you! I’m from Texas, how about you?
Omggg bubbles that looks delicious
Hope you have a pleasant time at work then David!👋🏼
Ahh well hopefully at least it all goes smoothly then and it isn’t too hectic