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>>> The company I’m working for, we make dill ... Of course this is who you work for! 😂😂😂😂
It’s lovely
Delicious lol
Established 2021 lol
Have seen the Heinz one a few times but it was 99p tonight so thought why not 😂
Those ones look way nicer
Ketchup popsicles 2025 🙌
Thank you 😄
But yeah. You’re combining some of my most favourite flavours. Dill and ketchup lol
Our spicy ketchup is great too. It’s spicy but too overwhelming so you can keep eating
But not too overwhelming*
Quite like a wee spicy ketchup
I have a curry one too
Morrigan ☕️☕️
Sorry ash, I was drunk and not myself.
It happens don’t worry 🥰👀
Ash! I'm having a coffee and thought of you ☕
Aww I just poured my first cup of coffee🙂)
Great minds think alike 👌☕😊
Was definitely coffee o'clock
Is that a special coffee? 👀 Haha
Nah just timmies black like always
Oh wait I didn’t notice the jar there 😆
Oops 😬
Anyhoots how are you kg?
Hahaha yeah the jar 😂
I'm good thanks, you? Better now 😉
Yeah just relaxing today got the dumpster project done yesterday little sore ngl lol
Feels good getting stuff cleared huh? Aw yeah defo deserve to relax then ☺️
Yah it’s huge weight off my shoulders 😁
Still gotta push the lawn mower round today but that should be to bad
At a leisurely pace 😉
Yeah it’s not even to bad but a heat wave is coming and I don’t wanna doit during that lol
Definitely not 😂
Wow what’s going on here
Why’s it closed
Not for me to say but Stampy signing off in true Stampy style - not sugar coating things 🙏🏻
Closed???? Wtaf!?!?