So far, so good. Better than anticipated.
That's good. I know its getting late, but I just can't tear myself away from the Chats until I absolutely HAVE to.
*stands up and waves* Greetings... my name is CM.... and I'm a Chattaholic...
Oh, I never really get more than about 4 hours of sleep a night.
And just FYI, although I'm not a regular, I wouldn't exactly call myself a newcomer.
I come and go, as I move through the rooms.
Well, its kinda' hard for me to find conversations that I fit into.
Or so often, a room is just hours and hours of Hi, Bye, Hi, Bye, etc.
Well... let me try and give you something to remember me by..... You see my Name?
I do what I can. I've won many events all over the state of Texas.
I don't know what you hit. I didn't see anything happen.
Hmmmm... it still shows up on my side.
But that's okay... You got to see it, and that's the important thing.