>>> What does that have to do with anything
You also are in that category if that your first question
Hate to break it to you 🤣
A true pussy lover wants to possess the woman he's with, so no man like that would even imagine his woman being with a another man
Much less fúkin him and he watching
Educando a la comunidad estúpida
The Kiss of Death, from the movie the Godfather II
>>> Anyone wanna party?
I do, with a sexy black woman, at least 35+ and over. If a woman is sexy, she's sexy....and she doesn't have to be what a lot mean feel is an ideal woman
But then again, that's me.😅
Only now, to make a point
>>> People often question why they end up in a...
I end up there because I usually and deliberately make it my business to not have any filters when I get into it with someone.
I am a native New Yorker, but I am not that rude