>>> I’m sexually attracted to leara should i s...
U type like an indian biatch
1:11 actually means something different* it means u repeating a cycle with another person biatch
Leara is in New Jersey or close to it biatch
Cuz she's an hour ahead of me biatch
Then u in the water biatch
Bc time doesn't lie biatch
Happy vday bros n hoes biatch
Did we get stickers or still no update biatch
We got it back Thurs biatch
I need some blood pls biatch
Hey hooli I'm yella biatch
How to deal with an angry pill head biatch
What is Ramadan tho biatch
How do I deal with an angry pill head who thinks he has power biatch
Help bc I might have to fight my brother biatch
All the cool people r on tonight biatch
I try to be but u know just biatch