Chocolate covered raisins, or chocolate covered strawberries are my weakness
Chocolate covered dark cherries and blackberries are also hella good
I’ve pictured him on an average to tall like 5’6 to 6’2
In metric, I’ve always though you where between 170 to 190
Not even because im giving you a compliment calling you tall 😔
Well, today hasn’t gone as I expected it
I really was not expecting to end my Friday crying
Like my work bestie literally sent me and also my department a farewell email and it was just 🥹
Nah, I don’t agree with this cause not always you leave a place in bad terms
Plus is in a whole other language that is not English
You already said this… at least try to bring another confession, after a bit gets boring
Three or four mods where online and also the founder, therefore there’s mods always lurking 👀☕️
Ok hear me out the most wholesome vid on the internet right now is Chris Evans’s video tribute to his dog 🥹 so effing cute
But then again, anti does that
That’s just awful. Something similar happened two weeks ago at work but they effed up two bathrooms somehow… the smell was so bad they sent the personnel to work remote for the day
I dunno, I only know that one person managed to eff up two toilets out of the three in that area
Yeah… the cleaning crew was not happy at all and I honestly don’t blame them. Same with the maintenance crew that had to try and fix it