🦅🗯 carpet boom. He'll ya merica
You forgot to leave the flash on lol
>>> Oh I didn’t sign up for that I’m more of a...yes please tell me what to do
Reminds me of one my sister used to where, before she stopped going to church.
No. I don't dream of going to church
>>> Like one of those saint medallions
>>> I don’t mind hearing what you guys do anyw...
Dm me. I'll tell you more
"Bishop. Jump the queen "
>>>📷 voodoo great uses of stripes.
>>> You ever been back handed
Yes, by my mom.
>>> If it gets in my mouth then it’s getting i...
Sounds like a good trade
>>> May as well learn to suck your own D
I would if it weren't so gay.
Any thing green and spicy comes out the end of my d, I am calling 911
>>> I grossed myself out 😌
I used to clean the bathrooms at Wal-Mart. That comment was really gross.
>>> Anyone wanna come swimming? ☺️ yes please
>>> Every time I do it makes me laugh
What the hell is on joies head