>>> I mean I know he was in that Batman movie ...
The lighthouse was a really interesting good one
>>> Batman movies, a beacon for cinematography 😆
That wasn't what I was referring to 😂
>>> And then Kevin Conroy is the voice
RIP to him though honestly.
>>> Bale was the last decent one tbh
He was a good for what the story wanted. But not a good accurate batman truthfully lol
But I loved the first 3 too
>>> A billionaire with a sore throat....like i...
You just ruined the movie 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
I'd love to see a batman movie like the arkham games. That would be bad ass
Lol simple and to the point. I like it lol
"Are feelings the thing in my peen?"
>>> Are you translating? Lol
Translating my thoughts of when I look at you 👀
>>> See. At least he's trying
Lol she didn't need the translation most likely 😂
Ah thank you crab. Very valuable