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immie i’ll make it so you can’t walk… because you’ll be wheelchair bound due to loss of motor control…. from another stroke…

immie i’ll make it so you can’t walk… because you’ll be wheelchair bound due to loss of motor control…. from another stroke…
Bro you actually need help
He just needs me that’s all
immie helps me all the time 😼
she’s my good little law student 😼
oh… that one was bigger than usual 😼 does my little law student like that 😈
oh… that one was bigger than usual 😼 does my little law student like that 😈
I’m actually traumatised
that means i commit to the bit enough 😭😭
😭😭😭😭 wtf
I’m still
mf don’t test me ill do it to you too
He tryna switch up I wouldn’t