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You never told me what firesticks were
Games you wanna run fortress?
For zombies
Fire sticks are streaming devices from Amazon
Nate i got you, ill gove you legendary tool and pack 3 crystal
I don’t need those I just want the research lmfao
I am hungry
What up
Im saying to make it easier 😒😒
Fortress is a bish and 12
I think I'll make nachos
Mid game
Bring me some
Not really the copter is the problem
That’s it
>>> Lulu!!! Sup pimp
I invite you to a chatroom 'Straight Curious Dl ❌❌❌': https:chat.antiland.com4jTM2kKHGn
I was wiping them all with a rare paper towel 1
>>> 📷 Are you okay?
Pap 1*
Aight let me get home
I was delivering a dryer
Dm me for fun
Id like a dryer too
No ale, you can hang your clothes outside like every other humble mezzican
Thats to much
Its cold af outside
Imma get sick
Dude just leave it outside for a few days, itll dry
That teaches you patience
Few days
I need it now
Then wear it wet
Imma just wear it all wet
There you go
I thought u cared about me nvm now
Im trying to give you life lessons ale
And hou dont wana practice them
You too
The lesson is Gamez sucks.
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