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Ameryka Północna/

SSan Francisco ☀️

The san Francisco treat😅
Hi Blue F32Ca
Why weird stuff get blocked here like my comment that was only saying I needed friends ?
I'll say it again. Wish I had friends to do stuff with
So quiet talking to myself 30 minutes today🤣😅😂
Hit me up 😘
Weird app
In what way?
Said I needed 500 k to post and I have over 100000k and would not allow it until I got my bonus
Also deleted pics including the movie meme that this app generated on its own. They blocked their own material
That is weird. I have been off this app for a while now and just came back on yesterday.
Yeah it's not great these days
It does seem like they are policing it more
But it’s still a fairly unique app
I suppose.
You sound skeptical
Ita disheartening to not know what you can and can't say or post tho . S9ne groups I see nipps others regular pics are banned
Not planning on staying much longer at this rate
Yes. I agree. That’s why I left.
But it’s addictive. That’s why I came back
I’d love to see what they banned from you
I cordially invite everyone 🤗 https:chat.antiland.comnheROltpr0 🤗...
It was nothing special just a face pic
Something defo wrong with this app
I invite you to a chatroom : Ugly Ladys Club https:anti.landgyoCgHqJumI
Yes or no
>>> It was nothing special just a face pic appeal
The app's weird. So are antimods. They are completely out of control
Been banned on the app several times for absolutely no reason
It's been nuts
Happy Friday eve
Hey everybody here 👋
Good afternoon