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Can never have too much pitching is the saying, he got to choose where he wanted, can’t be mad at the dodgers
I don’t think I heard that saying especially with a bunch of all stars. 🤷🏼‍♂️
>>> Can never have too much pitching is the sa... Disagreed. It's bad for baseball and it needs to stop.
Then shouldn’t you blame Roki? The dodgers couldn’t even offer him the most money. He took less to play there
The deferring I can understand
I can blame him and if I were him, I would've gone elsewhere.
Once again, it needs to stop.
There is no in between
To each there own, I can get behind the deferring money stuff being bad for baseball. The roki aspect don’t tip the needle much for me
Nice little tribute while they stay there
Oh I'm not mad at the Dodgers I was just saying really. In baseball if you're a franchise that doesn't have a cap I don't see why you're not spending like that honestly.
Only mad the Yankees stop spending like that truth be told
They done killed stomper
Ive decided to take my talents to south beach
Lebron doesn’t play baseball.
LeBron needs to retire
I am legit sick of his bs
I’m a Laker fan. It’s that or win championships
Win championships with the Lakers*
AD needs to take some blame too. Hes supposed to be in his prime
I mean is his prime good enough to carry an out of date LeBron though? I mean yeah LeBron is still good enough but he's lacking that youth he once had so it takes a lot more from him to maintain the level y'all are used to seeing from him. Hence why Jordan when playing with Washington wasn't really trying to be the Jordan y'all saw playing for the bulls but just gave his team confidence to be better than they were.
As if Jordan still wasn't athletic enough to still dunk etc past the age of 50. Yet y'all mock his days in Washington cause y'all misunderstood his purpose of playing in Washington.
Right Jordan gave his wizards so much confidence stackhouse and kwame among others hated playing with him. Jordan still wanted to he the #1 even tho stack was arguably better at the time. What was his purpose 🤔 tried winning but just wasn't good enough🤷🏽‍♂️. These narratives are wild
Lebron aint ever been carried. Who won finals mvp on that lakers championship team? AD just needs to do his part.
I didn't say he carried LeBron before lol. I asked if his prime was good enough to carry him now 🤦🏾‍♂️. And show me one single report that supports that they hated playing with Jordan in Washington.
I can show reports on players from Washington and others that's played with both Jordan and LeBron as teammates and they all say Jordan was a better teammate etc
Yeah the narratives are wild indeed 🤦🏾‍♂️
Ive seen the interviews of stackhouse and brown saying they resented playin w jordan. Im not makin this up. Evidence is there
Pls share id like to see this because tbh i havent seen any of that. What teammates did they have in common?
They say the Reds had the best additions to the team. Lol
Sorry it was 4 and one of those players was in fact Stackhouse who says Jordan is better lol
We were talkin about whos the better teammate and stackhouse defintely didn't say jordan since he hated playing with him. But nice try. You may not know this but theres many players that disliked playing with MJ. Jordan was a 🚮 teammate
Someone help that man😂😂😂😂😂😂
Claims stackhouse calls jordan better than proceeds to drop evidence of stackhouse literally saying its unfair to compare the 2. Where is the logic? This yellow eyed gamblin addict that may have got his pops mirked is not a GOD. He is human w many flaws
There's actually more said by Stackhouse in that interview they just highlighted the most important statement he made. Maybe you should really go look at those interviews. And nobody is claiming Jordan to be a God or perfect. But nobody who has touched the court played better than he did.
Or maybe you missed the part under Scott Williams as him being the only one that didn't clearly answer the question on who is better but still said Jordan was more competitive than LeBron.
So clearly Stackhouse answered the question and there's more to what he said if you just go look at the entire Stackhouse interview.
While he may have hated playing with Jordan that doesn't mean he denies Jordan skills
I can’t believe I didn’t get this woman’s number.
Shoot your shot at all times bro