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Ooo I see
I like to rewatch the tournament in super
Teach me it and thank you
I never had the princess treatment ngl
My ex was a bum
Didn’t have a cry nor a job 😭
Oh he is missing out
Somebody plays pokemon tcg?
No I do not play that
lol f him
I play royal match
I just bought a Ds with all the Pokémon games on it and idk witch game to start with
That's why he an ex I suppose 🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻
I’m sorry for you
I play codm, bo3 4 & 6, many games on my switch but mostly banjo and Mario 64
Exactly 😉
Well good for you for kicking him to the curb
That moment on steam deck the switch games runs better as of the switch
Maddy hello
I'll treat you like a queen 🥺😩😘
Not sure what the steam deck is
Okay start with feet rubs
As soon as quittin time hits where’s the best place to grab something quick to eat?
I only have a McDonald’s and a Burger Klng on the way home
I can do that and back massages , mani pedi and booty massages
All with happy ending for you 👀😩🥰
Five guys burgers 🍔…
Chick fil A spicy sandwiches 🥪…
Ooof no tacos near by
I made myself wings and potatoe wedges
But my wings didn’t come out as crisy as I wanted them to
Hola Jay! Hope you staying warm today
Well done wings or gtfo 🤨
Heyy 👋🏼☺️ yes thank you just took a steamy hot shower haha
How are you?
They were in the air fryer for about 30mins 😭
Really 35
How are u?
I’m good feeling refreshed
And how are you?
Now that I’m home from work I’m much better!