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🤯Psych Ward 🤯 21+

A buffer? To what? 😂😂
Aww nighty Tassy
Gnight Tass 👋
*stabs Raz on the way out*
Night peeps!
Don’t be hurting the goat
It’s his favorite pastime
I am freezing.
Tass likes poking the goat😂😂
Oh no don’t say it like that
LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I need that.
I need that rn.
It’s so soft
Hands it over *
I don’t wanna. 🥹
I have so many hoodie options
And yes it comes with a hoodie
Well critters bedtime for the gator too
Gnight y'all
Aww nighty dubs
Yeah i actually wanted to match for once
And it was pretty chilly 🥶
It’s really cute. Looks so cozy.
Yes and it comes with a hood
I love it. 😍
Yesss look up blanket hoodies
You’ll never be cold again 🥰
It would also prob be smart to just put on some socks. I been nose deep in my pc and just sitting here —freezing. 💀
Ima def look those up.
Yes 🙌🏻
Slippers for me hehehe 🤭
Good afternoon friends
Hello 👋🏻
I have slippers on too, but they are open toe.
Ooo you gotta have full toe coverage my friend
Puffy Goatles hello 🤗🤗 Amo ntmy 🤗🤗
Nice slippers
Hii kleo
Thank you ☺️
Ur welcome