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LLesbian dating room

what are you guys doing for valentine's day
I need ideas
I’m gonna cook a steak drink some wine then prolly cry wbu
well that sounds fun too
Anyone else? 💀
I'm on the wrong app for this advice
You could do a couples massage
Groupon has great deals
Hmm 🤔
Maybe go out with people and just hangout I mean I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day
Couple's massage sounds good but thats like a weird ass 4 some
It’s weird that it’s a love holiday tbh. Especially since it was inspired by an execution
I see where the morbid in your name comes from
I just know a lot of weird facts 😭
Wait i have an idea now
You just gave me this
What’s the idea?
We could go see the new valentines day horror movie Heart eyes
New movie
Wait I didn’t even know there was a new horror Valentine’s Day movie
I might go see it too
….after I saw smile lmao no more horror movies for me
That doesn’t look bad
It sounds funny
It doesn’t even seem scary
A lot of horror movies these days don’t even come close to the old ones
But I’ll be optimistic about this one
My favorite is the conjuring
That’s a good one. I love Vera Farminga 😍
I’ve never seen it
Oooo and insidious
Valentine’s Day is just steak day for me, I’ve eaten steak on V day for years and only missed last year
I too have a steak dinner, but that’s because it’s also my birthday 😆
Oof born on Valentine’s Day. Is that good or bad
It can be both 😆