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Kultura i Społeczność/

Church Of God

Religion is a cult
Cult is the religion
anyone here?
repent for the end is coming!
God show me in my dreams that the end is here
these will be the last years of peace before the end times
everyone will be humbled
there will be no jobs and no food
the rich will be laid low
everyone will be humbled
Go broncos
Anyone want to talk ?
Hope all is well, happy Sunday ❤️🙏🏻
Hail Satan
This is clearly not the room for that Reefer Man 😀
Sikilmek isteyen özele gelsin bekliyorum
That’s not funny
why this room so dead
Are you guys tired of being a good person😒 here
That’s an interesting question but you could also flip it around and ask aren’t people in general also tired of being bad? In a sense
And why tire of being good when it does good to people and not hurt others