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Ameryka Północna/


Except for poached eggs
So easy to get it wrong
those are so difficult
but I prefer a hamburgeeeer
Hey!!! Don’t hate on poached eggs
I just wanna go somewhere warm
I love poached eggs, I was simply remarking apon the small margins for error
Such as? 🤔
Home ground and hand pressed?
Mix Mix Mix…
Mexico or Hawaii
Both fun places
yes or coulb be from some famous restaurant
Which restaurant
I wanna hear it from you before I speak
I like bk
Awe, you didn't even mention my favorite one. Although, I wouldn't turn away a meal from any of these places. I might regret mcdonalds the next day, but I'll take it
say what’s your favorite
I like Fatburger the best, but your picks are good indeed
where is fatburger?
I’ve never heard
We have it here in Canada, idk about Ecuador
But I would recommend giving it a try if you get the chance
there is no fatburger in ecuador
next time I go to Canada I’ll try
Do you come here to visit family? Why not move here permanently? If you don't mind me asking
I don’t have family there
If I could I’d move
but it’s not easy, there are a lot of requirements for foreing people
They’ve pretty much halted visas right now too cause of the backlog, they’re starting at 2020 again
I know it well
it’s difficult
but I really love to live there
Hopefully it improves
In order for that to happen, there will need to be some harsh changes in policy
But as it stamds, it isn't impossible yet
does anyone want to clean chat? ^-^
Keep on looking 😌😌😌
Just keep swimming
Our group chat is pretty clean
No cleaning needed
Carla do you have Bob's Burger in Ecuador just like in Brazil?