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SSecret Tavern ☠️

I make all of my best decisions drunk
I can't say the same
None of us honestly can
Does anyone have a secret?
We all have secrets
Care to share any?
There very embarrassing
lol I can’t use proper grammar lol
This is an anonymous app. It's OK to share
Well if no one judges
What are rules for group
She said she knew a guy from her work
Help her with what??
Well when I was kissing her he put his ……. Between our mouths
Were you ok with that?
Well my wife kind of used my head to it
You asked
The chat keeps deleting I'm sorry
You’re good
I don’t know if I want to say anything else
Why? Share if you want to.
Well it’s just im embarrassed
Im not sure but I guess what people think
Good morning everyone
Doesn’t anyone have a weird secret?
hey secret
Hi secret
Did she enjoy it?
Drugs rule
Pretty sure most dads love ddlg. Just too afraid to admit it
is this chat dead now
Not sure but im still wondering what ddlg stands for lol
uhhh lemme look it up
I gave it a google lol
i think so lol
Hey there
my day is p ok hbu
Good evening