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SSecret Tavern ☠️

It’s what we are here for
Anyone around?
I’ve got some secrets
Do tell
I’m going to a brothel tomorrow
I didn't realize they still had those
Do you go often?
Every couple of months
Haven’t gone since July
Do you have a favorite there?
I did but she moved recently
Do you ever enjoy more than one woman at a time?
I have but pretty much stick to one at a time
Lol pretty much
Better in the fantasy
Prefer meeting one and hanging out first for a while
So not an immediate ripping clothes off thing either?
It can be if you want and I have before but generally not what I’m into
I like to hang out, talk have some drinks and see if we get along
Tell me more
Makes the clothes off part more enjoyable for both I think
Or at least more tolerable lol
What else do you want to know?
You want more than just the physical it sounds like
Yeah I guess so
The physical is more fun I think if we have been hanging out before
I agree
I like flirting
Why a brothel? No strings?
Yeah mainly
That and usually no let downs when it gets physical
Smart. There is usually a let down
I can’t wait lol
No strings
And they do what she wants
That kinda stuff is real?
Yes it is
Hey! Doesn’t anyone have a bad secret?
No limits
Hey so
How’s everyone