Umm I’m not mad no more ha ha ha
Well cause your all the way over here wanted to make sure you could here me
Ha ha why we can be a pain in the butt at times all the time
I lost my fingers the other day and forgot how to type
I mean that’s my middle name
Ouch such a harsh judgement there
Ha ha it’s I started vacation Friday
I had this issue when i started but you get used to it
No cause I’m a people person and I also like to be the center of attention and you don’t get that at home BUT you don’t have to get dressed to work at home lol
Cause working from home is convenient lol
I mean I sit at home I manage a small group of people and play around on the internet or watch YouTube
Ha ha well I check into work and when my people come in I drive to the coffee shop then back home then in the afternoon I go to the vape store and chill with the guy in there ha ha still working from my phone but the down side is I have a bunch of meetings and I do t like meetings