Yes my mother use to call me that
MIT was my uncle's name and my dad would call me it
Where was I born ( hint it's one of the states in the United States)
California is the answer goodjob
*** Question 4 ***
What are my 3 favorite colors
( Hint there all darker colors even the secretone)
You get heart if you guess the secret answer
What were my 3 goals on antichat.
Well that's odd but yes soulmate, 20k and private room for trivia
Question 6 and final question
As always math question. Honestly I could think of a math question that would revolve good around me so what's my age?
Congratulations to all this one was a bit messy I apologize.
I hope you guys all enjoyed trivia today and know me a little better
We will do more trivia next Saturday and Sunday we will return to normal
See you all 10:30 next Saturday and Sunday
Kai , kaikai or kaiyri is better
MIT is what my dad use to call me. I don't get a long with him just use to the name