>>> Being it in bud
Room for more
>>> Well like how many are we talking
I'll let you decide
>>> I don't share either
Want me to yourself? 🤣
>>> Drop a selfie first 😂
One day haha
>>> Are you teabaging foxy?
That's what dreams are made of
>>> Wtf is teabagging
🤣🤣🤣🤣 really ?
Saggy balls dipped in your mouth 🤣
>>> This boy doesn't hold back
You got a better explanation? 🤣
It is when a male tactically places his testicles in a females mouth, five roses if you will
Apologies , I'll see myself out haha
Haha I just joined and I'm blocked
>>> What do you want me to tell him or ask him
I think the odds are pretty high that you are blocked
>>> Morning hunt
How are you?