Y'all I had the weirdest dream and now I feel high
Need a brown man to put me in my place 👀
>>> Bengalis are short af
I know but I'm looking for a tall Bengali king 🥰
Pakis are definitely more attractive than bengalis no doubt
But they've got too much ego. Bengalis are sweeter 🙃
>>> Im pakistani wanna hang
I don't mind 💖
Lmao I always get mistaken for being Pakistani and it's a compliment until I'm hit with the " you're too pretty foryour ethnicity" comments 🤡🤡
Like I'm not giving into that inferior complex 😭✋🏻
Samosa chaat was actually my name on here when I first joined
Samee. I have rather eurocentric features so I've gotten Arab and Turkish too
Yeah I am altho not much lately. I write more than I read
Idk what I have in me but my ex would always say I was a sasanian princess in another life 🥲
>>> Can I have a look at some of your work ? I...
Sure. I'll dig some up for you 🙂
Bro get your mum to help you jerk off
I love how you think you're hilarious
You're just a pasty white guy who thinks he can crack jokes coz he's apparently cultured