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Anonieme Chatrooms, Dating rollenspel met willekeurige vreemden online
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Bruh no one wants to see ya crusties

Bruh no one wants to see ya crusties
Learn how to speak to someone
Nobody here named bruh
Sup bruh
Let’s just say your feet are best appreciated in the comfort of your own company.
So are you
Well, at least I come with a personality—what’s your excuse?
Show us your personality
Is it just to troll because you’re scared of woman?
Scared of women? Nope, just allergic to nonsense.
Yet you brought it up…
You coulda kept quiet but you chose nonsense
Yeah, I brought it up—figured you’d need a head start processing it.
You suck at this
You’re right I should really lower my standards to match yours.
It’s weird to see cute animal icons going at it
It’s fun. Seals are cuter than tortoises
You brought it up yet you don’t like nonsense. Go away
You lie dude