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I'm sure kitkat will want you even if you cry in front of her

I'm sure kitkat will want you even if you cry in front of her
She dont want that man šŸ˜­ she a professional karma farmer
there is an appropriate time to cry itā€™s all about context, if she gonna leave you because for example you cry when your mother dies she ainā€™t a real one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Thatā€™s different, if you cry for ur feelings that donā€™t have a good reason lmao
when did i say i cried for no reason? i just said i feel my own emotions, i donā€™t hide everything. like someone said women like confidence and im confident managing my own emotions. emotional intelligence is an attractive quality and some of you will learn that eventually
I wasnā€™t even directing my opinions to your specific situation, i was speaking about in general tbh lmao
i mean in general not being able to regulate your own emotions is a very unattractive quality, just because i said i have depression doesnā€™t mean i cry all the time and have no emotional control? i donā€™t let my own personal situations affect otherā€™s because itā€™s not fair to them
When you lose someone thatā€™s normal, but other men be ā€œgoing through itā€ like bro assess your situation and man up haha
i asses my own situation but i still feel things so i know wtf iā€™m going through so i can solve it better
The difference is youā€™re diagnosed, thatā€™s different, you actually have something real
I wasnā€™t speaking to you or about you this whole time though
I wasnā€™t speaking to you or about you this whole time though
yeah but the in general is what iā€™m getting at, because of this generalization i get roped into to the stereotype without you actually learning where im coming from or my own personal experiences, which believe it or not is a key part of a successful relationship, so you saying women would leave me for depression (not saying youā€™re saying it directly to me) i would see that and not pursue anything serious in the first place with them
yeah but the in general is what iā€™m getting at, because of this generalization i get roped into to the stereotype without you actually learning where im coming from or my own personal experiences, which believe it or not is a key part of a successful relationship, so you saying women would leave me for depression (not saying youā€™re saying it directly to me) i would see that and not pursue anything serious in the first place with them
Nb reading allatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Who are you šŸ˜‚
Horse quadruple texting me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ n
Hop off bro šŸ˜‚
you canā€™t handle a paragraph? LMAO
Low iq
You type like a girl kinda šŸ¤—
cook that transformer
Oh my god