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Anonieme Chatrooms, Dating rollenspel met willekeurige vreemden online
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How are you??

How are you??
I’m good!! wbu ?
I’m just ok 🫶🏻
You can still lay on my boobs if you want 🫂
Yes please 🥹 that would fix me
can I too? 👉🏻👈🏻
Sure I have two for a reason 🫂
Shay this turtle has been harassing me all day nonstop 💀 he literally said he likes to “bully special needs people”
Shay this turtle has been harassing me all day nonstop 💀 he literally said he likes to “bully special needs people”
Done nothing but troll people in here all day, I didn’t even speak to him and he started telling me I was stinky and dirty and needed to shower while I was talking about my stepdad dying and how “hopefully I get lucky” and my plane crashes
I do vouch for this
Thank you
me 3
I banned him, that’s crazy 🫂 I’m sorry about your stepdad
I fly out there on the 4th