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Where I live I have free healthcare chill

Where I live I have free healthcare chill
Itā€™s not really free. Your taxes pay for it
Not mine, the richer folks. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¾ lol
Do you have other perks? Amusement parks, beaches, national parks?
Doesnā€™t every country have those?
Whereā€™s your Disneyland?
Nobody said Disneyland
Canada has(had?) one ftr
Canadas wonderland
Weā€™re going into the past to justify now. What happened to living in the now
Think Africa then ask again
I am from Africa. So calm it a bit
So am I so no I wonā€™t calm down
I donā€™t want peace, I want problems, always
You definitely šŸ’Æ voted Ch(tr)ump
Donā€™t live in Murica
Wow, thatā€™s hateful lol
Well, Elon did the Nazi salute o
So did Hillary, Kamalaā€¦
In photos that made it look like it or actual videos?šŸ˜³
Actually both
ā€œNo heā€™s just autisticā€ šŸ˜‚
Also yes
Thats like Kanye justifyin any crazy shi he says over bein bipolar lmao
Very true, the name of his son is proof
So have a bunch of dems
Itā€™s my opinion. I never insulted you
He shouldā€™ve mate the right decision if he did vote for trump