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🎭Dramatic world💅

Gulaabi teeetli kesi o👀
Kitni mast ?
Acha sorry 🫣
Bohth mast ?
Masti kr rhi o ? 😳
😐💗 dosssssst yad ati kbi kbi tm
Damn, if you're seeing thing, I wanna let you know that, I got to host and make my own exhibit for women's month you've been so proud. I assume you already started your job, I'm so happy for you. Look, I'm not bitter anymore and though it feels bitter sweet but I'm still thankful of you crossing my path. Bunbun is still here and I still take Tai outside with me. I hope Vio is still there please don't keep him in the dark.
spark, sanem, rina? Kahan hoooo 🗣️
Hello drama people