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😭 biatch
Great biatch
Hahaha biatch
Stone cold biatch
LOL. Fair biatch
Steve Austin biatch
Didn’t Eminem diss lizzo biatch
And that's the bottom line biatch
Queej i gotta tell u something biatch
Who tf is this biatch
Cuz stone cold said so biatch
Yes, big fat female gorilla only eats plants. Watch national geographic biatch
Me? biatch
Oh yeahhh biatch
Lizzo corrupted the society biatch
Best thing ever biatch
Easy Peasy biatch
Cold stone ice cream 🤤🤤 with my big fat asssss biatch
She glorified obesity biatch
Hold your horses fellas 👊 biatch
Lizzo has that really good song have you guys heard it? Where are my phone? biatch
I’m picking you up now 🚗 biatch
And bye biatch
😂😂😂😂 I’m cracking up biatch
I’m ready bby biatch
Body positivity lead to obesity biatch
Berry needs to ban u fr biatch
It’s going down in China town biatch
alienate biatch
🚗💨 biatch
Hiiii biatch
I want a massage biatch
Girl priv pls biatch
Being a couch potato u live 10 years longer than an athelete biatch
🌝 biatch
Send meee biatch
Queen my fav blasian fr biatch
Why did u read this how it sounds 😂🤣 biatch
I am the future biatch
pfffft 👅 biatch
The master race biatch
I had to 😭 biatch
I didn’t until you said this. biatch