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And he's a defensive edge for Texas AM
Jameis Winston?
Yes Winston šŸ˜‚
Great athlete but production on the field lacks major. Only 1.5 sacks in twelve games and 3 tackles for a loss.
I havenā€™t seen much about the draft
Good luck with that Giants lol
I think theyā€™ll be drafting sanders at 3 tho. Thereā€™s been talk of it
If they don't rip to the next 3 years lol
It depends what Tennessee does
If they don't take Ward I'm seriously questioning them
They need more than just a qb on that team
Yeah that's for sure but at least they can get their future QB now and hope for the best in getting the rest
This app had a good run
You leaving?
Oh ok lol
But this is most likely over with
But yeah it's a dying breed now
Itā€™s been fun lol
Yeah the first 5 years were better than the last 5 though lol
I'm willing to bet the creator is like eh I've made enough let it die if it dies lol
So you been on here since it started?
I joined in 2015 not sure exactly when it started up
I been on here since 2018
Of course I take breaks here and there though
Lots of great memories on here lol
And now I just come on whenever I can
Yeah that's true indeed lol
From pics to actually hanging out with a group of friends off here that's actually in the same state
Unfortunately there's bad memories as well
I havenā€™t done that but cans close to it
Yeah I used to go eat lunch and stuff with a couple chicks off here just as friends though
Antiland will be gone. Theyā€™ll have a new one, called chat anti so yā€™all know
Itā€™ll be the same thing šŸ˜‚šŸ’€
Yeah just changing the name
Itā€™s gonna be the same guy who made this that owns the new one coming
iOS says that arenā€™t gonna have any anonymous chatting apps
Good thing I have Android lol
Yeah the app isnā€™t coming back to iOS and the Google Play Store may be getting removed also the latest news. Anonymous app ban is starting
That's messed up though
Pay all that money to be restricted on what app you can use etc smh
Chat anti when it comes šŸ’€šŸ˜‚
So Wilson to the giants. Arod should be a steeler any day now
Diggs to the pats
I hate his attitude but heā€™s a great receiver
Well. Now you got a weapon. If he stays healthy and actually does well. He didnā€™t do much on the Texans
Heā€™s the main target nowā€¦ something maye needs
I don't think it's fair to judge his Houston days
Was only healthy what 2 weeks?