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We wanna live kitty pics 😍
Haha you got it bro.
She's chilling next to the heater with me
So beautiful 🥰🥰
Morning eggz
Morning. Feeling cute lol
Fresh water
>>> Morning. Feeling cute lol Ide like to make that determination personally
Looking cute too
That's a cutie 😍😍
Side note. Is the collar too tight? Looks it
Maybe Feb angle. But check how lose it is
It's usually super irritating for cats btw and also unnecessary
So a thought 🙂
Sorry I'm a nerdy cat dad 😭
Bahaha dude you're fine! I loosened it up for her a bit.
Okay good. Make sure at least two fingers can fit through
Otherwise I highly recommend removing it for her comfort 🙂
She's a good kitty
She looks it 🥰😍
What's everyone's plans for today?
Work and being sad, what about you?
Will enjoy the night doing some online work
Why sad? Sounds pretty chill.
Because everyone is ghosting me here for some reason. If I would at least know what I'm doing wrong so I won't do it again, that would be nice
I hate that man... I feel you.
Morning all
>>>📷 That looks like from some dreamy American movie
Hey kelli
That’s a nice view, Oreo
Indeed it is
Noice 😊