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SSacramento California

Iā€™m Bored af
Wassup yall
Bored in roseville here dm me
CK >> šŸŽšŸŒ¹ >> JD (+ā‚­500)< [rose][29][29]
F 34 and married hereā€¦ so married and rather only and in USA
Check pm Laura
Hey all
Wassup bro
Anyone got any fun Friday plans?
Not much hbu?
Doin a bonfire at my parents place n some Drinkin, chill Friday
Bored asf
Go go a concert you wonā€™t be bored
Thereā€™s so many rn
New venue opens next month too
I invite you to a chatroom 'NorCal': https:chat.antiland.comyMsmiYAVST
Hey Sac peeps!
Howā€™s the talent in yuba city?
Probably not good
If it's the talent I'm thinking of, ya it's really not that good. Even the one in sac can be a joke
Hola banda