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Anonieme Chatrooms, Dating rollenspel met willekeurige vreemden online
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sspeed dating on antiland

Js good trouble pm me
Older m NY here
No, DM me 😌😌😌
I cant
You have a karme
You have a karma limit
Do half you put on a limit not realizing your being discrimitory
Or hateful
Because it clearly is a form of nazism
Only 1,000 of a wall 🤭🤭🤭👀 guess you’ll just hafta wait until you reach that 🤓🤓🤓 it does help when you stay outta anti trouble 😏
How can i when i have rainbow retards slandering me
And you saying that shows your a overpriveleged stuck up deuchebag bully
Your true colours are showing. Thanks for proving my point 😉
hey M 21 how’s everyone doing?
Hey how’s everyone?
any women from pune?? looking for dating???
How it's going? 😁
Issa going and you?
Geart, chillin after work with lil drink
Niiiiiice 👌🏻 you deserve the happy hour 🥳🥳🥳
Speed dating ??
No idea 🤷
I'm down for speed dating while chillin 😅
In my happy hour 😁
Ye Ye 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
But I actually never did that 😅
Don’t think any of us has 🤣🤣🤣🤣 not on here at least
Oh I thought You did that a lot here tbh 😅
I just defeat my depression so I'm starting socialize again 😁
Nah. Since I’ve joined this GC, it’s been very slow. Barely anyone
So I want to be first 😁
You’ll hafta wait and see if the next gal that comes in here if she wants to be paired with yah 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Looking for a death buddy
I mean what
>>> You’ll hafta wait and see if the next gal ... If it's necessarily I'll wait 😊
Idk probably it's time to stop drinking rn 😅
Cos I'm playing poker and texting
hey how are yall
23m hmu