What do you mean I didn't answer any of them
I answered your questions but every question I posed to you for every statement I give you that is a descriptive concise statement you return with questions about oh well who wrote the book of Matthew who wrote the book of Samuel who did this who did that
Crab we're having a conversation if you don't like it you don't have to be here bro
Not once have I come against Islam
Not once have I come against the Quran
Not once have I come against Muslims
I gave you lots of explanations and you just always ask well what about this verse or what's that verse or what is this or what is that ignoring completely the statement I make
I'vebeen talking to you this whole time what do you mean
Haven't talked to FML once
I spoke once to the crab and I think two or three times to the other pink haired person that I blocked
Every other comment was directed to you
The Hafs Quran was canonized in 1924 in Cairo and is now the standard used by 95% of Muslims.
It was based on oral traditions and not on any manuscript...
The New testament was based on about 5,000 actual manuscripts
You asked a question I answered it
And again you respond with another question
Is this a game show for you or what
My friend you haven't tried to understand one thing I've said yet
And as I've stated earlier I have not come against you your religion your people or any other religion or people
We're actually told in the New testament tolove our fellow man
That it isn't our job to judge you or your religion
You're clearly confused in this conversation
Time to leave this room, dust my feet at the door