I’ll knock yo ahhhs out don’t play
I believe in domestic violence
Yeah uh huh. You ain’t got it on ya
Yall just like the rest ✨all talk ✨
Where’s the real members of this chat 🤣
🥱 I’ll be back later when the friends are here
It’s pretty and white with black accents
I can’t speak for olives.
Buttt I mean between oil changes and what wants to act up.
Yearly.. I’d say a good 6-700 lmao
I’ve had mine since 2018 and I’m badly starting to have wear down parts that needed to be replaced but it was nothing major
No mine are all-terrain tires
Mine were about 4ish each tire.
I just haven’t gotten a new spare it’s still the original.
I need step bars on mine I gotta jump a lil.
But I don’t want to start any customs till she’s paid off
I’m getting one next 😉 I was a 2022 accord.
What even is this convo 😭