Why is New Jersey chat talkin diddy and Bieber
Broski if the lawyer defending diddy dropped the case but still defended osama after 911 he’s cooked
That’s like oj’s lawyer turning him down
Diddy didn’t drop him he dropped diddy
Ain’t no one got 700 dildos innocent
Provide one reasonable explanation for owning 700 dildos
Mfer it’s been hours are yall still arguing about diddy
Is it bad to eat a back of chips and a slim Jim for dinner
Honestly nj chat kinda suck these days
It’s New Jersey ain’t much happen here
But hey it’s saint paddy’s and I’m tryna enjoy it cause it’s my first day off in like 3 weeks
I need a jersey alternative to grinder
I can’t take care of you but I can much with the best of em
Yea plenty of closeted republicans
Nah ever since trump won I been boycotting I just love middle of no where jersey
We deep in the pine barrens
Yeah but all I got is Columbus market and route 206