Whey translated it like you saying in culinary is no dalit biatch
But you guys probably a lot of you friends before this app biatch
Pilaf over curry anyday biatch
She was eating mar marm marmmmalade? biatch
Always is the house biatch
>>> She was eating mar marm marmmmalade? biatc...
Marm? biatch
>>> Why tf are you all still here biatch
Because of wtf leaving soon XD don't ask stupid questions I don't know answer
Hope I don't fuck my mind too much, anyway it's not like something was there
You was happier cow when I first time saw in gc biatch
If only you say it biatch
I need my mind too be clear biatch
You got 10 more my msg to tell biatch
Anyone want to bet? biatch
You keep frozen fresh frozen it's taste more fresh biatch